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Board Members and Honourary Advisors List

Vice Chairman
Dr. Benny Lo


-PhD in Computing from Imperial College London,

-MSc in Electronics Research from King’s College London, and

-BASc in Electrical and Computing Engineering from UBC, BC, Canada.


Dr Benny Lo is the Chief Executive Officer of Precision Robotics Ltd and Precision Robotics (HK) Ltd. Prior to joining Precision Robotics, Dr Lo was a Reader of the Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery/ Department of Surgery andCancer – Imperial College London. His research interests include Body Sensor Networks, Pervasive Sensing, Biomedical Engineering, Micro-Electronics, Surgical Vision, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning for healthcare, well- being and sports applications. He has led many large scale international multidisciplinary research projects, such as the UK Newton fund funded project– An intelligent sensing system for pervasive monitoring of patients with dementia, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded project – An Innovative Passive Dietary Monitoring System, etc.  His research work has been highly recognized and led to numerous awards, such as the Outstanding interaction paper award - IEEE ICRA 2022, Best Paper Award – 1st Prize IEEE BSN 2021, EPIC-Kitchens Challenges @CVPR2021 - Action Anticipation, Best Paper Award - IEEE BSN 2019, etc. He has also taken leading roles in the engineering communities, such as the Chair of IEEE EMBS (Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society) Wearable Biomedical Sensors and Systems Technical Committee (2018-2019), Associate Editor of IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI), Co-Editor of Theme 7. Biomedical Sensors and Wearable Systems - IEEE EMBC 2023, etc.


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