17 April (Wed), 09:30–18:00 HKT
Charles K Kao Auditorium, Hong Kong Science Park
HKMHDIA MedTech Forum 2024
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HKMHDIA MedTech Forum 2024
Think MedTech.Think Hong Kong
Immerse yourself in the world of cutting-edge advancements at the “Automation and Big Data Informatics in Clinical Settings” Conference.
This exceptional event will unveil unprecedented breakthroughs that are revolutionizing the healthcare landscape. Against the vibrant backdrop of Hong Kong’s renowned expertise in medical technology “development & applications”, this conference serves as your gateway to the future of healthcare innovation.
Opening Ceremony
Welcome Remarks
Dr. Lydia Leung
Chairman, Hong Kong Medical & Healthcare Device Industries Association
Ir. Dr. HL Yiu
Chief Corporate Development Officer
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
Developing the Biomedical Technology Ecosystem in Hong Kong
Dr. Grace Lau
Head of Institute for Translational Research
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
Unlocking Life and Health Science Potential Through Innovation
Mr. Andy Wong
Head of Innovation and Technology
Invest Hong Kong
Keynote Presentation Session 1
Medical Robotics – the 5th Generation
Prof. Guang-Zhong YANG
Chair Professor, Institute of Medical Robotics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Robotics in Orthopaedics: Clinical Applications and Challenges
Dr. Henry Fu
Deputy Chief, Division of Joint Replacement Surgery,
Queen Mary Hospital
Empower Smart Healthcare with IoT & 5G Connectivity
Prof. Hong FUNG
Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer
CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC)
Panel Discussion: Overcome the Challenges in Automation in Clinical Settings
Panelists: Prof. Guang-Zhong Yang, Dr. Henry Fu, Prof. Hong FUNG
Moderator: Mr. Fred Tung
MedTech & Innovation Session 1
WellO2, steam breathing from Finland
Glaukos Corporation, ophthalmic medical device from USA
Shukun Technology, AI medical imaging solution provider from Beijing, China
Matilda, social robot from Australia
Dematic International, leading supplier of integrated automated technologies from Shanghai
Injeq, Innovative lumbar puncture technique with CSF detection from Finland
Keynote Presentation Session 2
Data-driven Transformation in Hospital Authority
Mr. Kevin Cai
Chief Information Officer, Hong Kong Hospital Authority
Transforming healthcare via leveraging digital innovations
Dr. Kenneth Tsang
Chief Executive Officer, Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong
Application and development of hospital management systems and GBA card information platforms
Mr. Brian Siu
GBAMPDA - GBA Medical Industry Development Affairs Consultant
Executive Director of New Frontier; COO of New Frontier GBA
Regulatory Landscape and Best Practice of SaMDs (Software as a Medical Device)
Mr. Cyrus Ahmadi
Consulting Engineer, Intertek
MedTech & Innovation Session 2
Yuanhua Robotics, Perception & AI Technologies, surgical robots for orthopedics, gastroenterology and NOTES
ProCore, next generation product for joint pain & osteoarthritis from Israel
ASTRI, turning pioneering innovations to the industry through applied research in Hong Kong
Nuralogix, developing AI products for human wellness from Canada
Koln 3D Technology (Medical), medical metal 3D printing manufacturer
Gense Technologies, offering portable health screening devices
Visit: CUHK Medical Centre (by invitation)
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