Corporate Local Membership is generally open for application by companies, incorporated in Hong Kong and in the field of manufacturing and trading of medical or healthcare device.
Non-Local Corporate Membership includes two categories of Memberships: (A) China Membership - generally open for application by companies whose business is in the field of medical and healthcare device industries, which headquarters are located in the PRC, the Macau SAR or Taiwan, yet interested in participating in and enjoying the facilities, functions or benefits of the Association; (B) Corporate Overseas Membership - generally open for application by companies whose business is in the field of medical and healthcare device industries, and incorporated outside Hong Kong, their subsidiaries incorporated in Hong Kong or their branches registered in Hong Kong, but not including companies incorporated and/ or registered in PRC, Macau and Taiwan, yet interested in participating in and enjoying the facilities, functions or benefits of the Association.
Associate Membership is generally open for application by companies, incorporated in Hong Kong and are in a business not necessarily related to medical or healthcare device industries, yet interested in participating in and enjoying the facilities, functions or benefits of the Association.
Individual Membership is generally open for application by persons of good character and who have an interest in the field of medical or healthcare device.
Student Membership is generally open for application by those full-time students in recognized educational institutions who have an interest in the field of medical and healthcare device industries.