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HKMHDIA statement on Novel Coronavirus


The Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association (HKMHDIA) has over 180 members in the medical and healthcare devices industries in Hong Kong.

1. Since the response level of the Novel Coronavirus was raised to the emergency response level under the Preparedness and Response Plan for Novel Infectious Disease of Public Health Significance (the Preparedness and Response Plan), a government-led cross bureaus / departments Steering Committee cum Command Centre was formed to formulate strategies and control measures to safeguard public health. The HKMHDIA supports all control measures to tackle this novel coronavirus infection.

2. Our HKMHDIA member companies are drawing serious attention to support the ongoing health and wellbeing of their staff with appropriate work arrangements during this critical time in Hong Kong. The HKMHDIA respects our member companies to deploy their own policies and measures in response to the risk assessment by the government and their companies.

3. Our member companies take every measure to ensure the continuous supply of medical and healthcare devices to the public and the medical professionals. The HKMHDIA provides support and coordination as needed.

4. We send our compliments to all the frontline participants on their continuous hard work and courage in the prevention and control of the disease and the supply of medical materials for all the Hong Kong residents.

We understand now Hong Kong is in a critical time. As integral members of the healthcare delivery, HKMHDIA will continue to ensure that safe and effective medical and healthcare devices ultimately benefit the public.


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