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HKTDC x HKMHDIA co-organizing event: Hong Kong International Medical and Healthcare Fair 2024

Upcoming Events

Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association (HKMHDIA) are co-organizing an international trade fair, "Hong Kong International Medical and Healthcare Fair 2024", concurrent with the Hospital Authority Convention and Asia Summit on Global Health.

Medical Fair Information (Attachments)

  • Medical Fair Information Introduction
  • Exhibition Plus Introduction

“Exhibition Plus” Details

The 4 key components of the “Exhibition+” includes:

  • Physical Exhibition (16-18 May, 2024) – the pivotal platform to provide face-to-face connection and business encounters for those who physically join and visit the Fair.

Participation Fee:

HK$32,410 for per 9 sqm Standard Booth

HK$3,210 for per sqm Custom-Built Participation (Raw Space)

  • NEW “Scan2Match” service – Establish offline-to-online connection for buyers and exhibitors by allowing buyers to bookmark favorite exhibitors at the physical fair for a chat with exhibitors during/ after fair and exhibitors to gather buyers’ information and chat with buyers during/ after fair.

  • 2 weeks of “Click2Match” service – an easy-to-use online platform and interface, empowered by AI-recommendation engine, for both exhibitors and buyers to identify each other, schedule appointments and conduct online meetings.

  • 2-month exposure on hktdc.com Sourcing – 2 months of online exposure on hktdc.com Sourcing with 3GB of media storage space (supporting formats includes JPG, JPEG, PNG, MP4, MOV) at the hktdc.com Sourcing which has over 2,000,000 registered buyers.

This hybrid “Exhibition+” package is priced at physical booth fee plus an obligatory participation fee of HK$ 3,000 for #2, #3 & #4 services as aforementioned.

Enhanced Funding Schemes - Export Marketing Fund (EMF)

The Hong Kong SAR Government has provided below funding scheme for exhibitors with details as follows:

Eligible Hong Kong SMEs can apply for EMF from the Trade & Industry Department (TID) to cover 50% of the participation fee, subject to a cap of HK$100,000 per fair.  As an enhanced measure, the subsidy will be calculated based on the original price. Exhibitors should self-apply through Trade and Industry Department (TID) within 60 days after the exhibition. Details are available at www.smefund.tid.gov.hk.

Exclusive Discount for HKMHDIA Member

For HKMHDIA members taking part in the HKMHDIA Pavilion: 8% off

HKMHDIA members not taking part in the HKMHDIA Pavilion: 5% off

Fair Website





Ms. Cherry Sung    Email: cherry.cw.sung@hktdc.org  / Tel: (852) 2240 4352

Ms. Lily Lam           Email: lily.ll.lam@hktdc.org              / Tel: (852) 2240 5815

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