Types of Memberships 會員類別
Corporate Local Membership is generally open for application by companies, incorporated in Hong Kong and in the field of manufacturing and trading of medical or healthcare device.
本地公司會員 - 從事醫療及保健器材製造及貿易業務並已在香港註冊為其業務總部的公司 -
Non-Local Corporate Membership includes two categories of Memberships: (A) China Membership - generally open for application by companies whose business is in the field of medical and healthcare device industries, which headquarters are located in the PRC, the Macau SAR or Taiwan, yet interested in participating in and enjoying the facilities, functions or benefits of the Association; (B) Corporate Overseas Membership - generally open for application by companies whose business is in the field of medical and healthcare device industries, and incorporated outside Hong Kong, their subsidiaries incorporated in Hong Kong or their branches registered in Hong Kong, but not including companies incorporated and/ or registered in PRC, Macau and Taiwan, yet interested in participating in and enjoying the facilities, functions or benefits of the Association
非本地公司會員 – 有兩項不同的類別:(A)中國公司會員 - 從事醫療及保健器材製造及貿易業務,而總部設於中國、澳門、或台灣地區的公司; (B) 海外公司會員 - 從事醫療及保健器材製造及貿易業務,而總部設於香港、中國、澳門、或台灣以外地區的公司 -
Associate Membership is generally open for application by companies, incorporated in Hong Kong and are in a business not necessarily related to medical or healthcare device industries, yet interested in participating in and enjoying the facilities, functions or benefits of the Association
附屬會員 - 對本會活動、設施或福利有興趣,但公司業務不屬於醫療及保健器材製造及貿易的香港註冊公司
Individual Membership is generally open for application by persons of good character and who have an interest in the field of medical or healthcare device
個人會員 - 品格良好及對醫療及保健器材行業有興趣之個別人士
Student Membership is generally open for application by those full-time students in recognized educational institutions who have an interest in the field of medical and healthcare device industries
學生會員 - 對醫療及保健器材行業有興趣並在認可的專上院校修讀全日制課程之學生 -
Startup Membership is generally open for application by MedTech Startup companies which established within 3 years
初創企業會員 - 三年內成立的醫療科技初創公司
Members’ Benefits 會員福利
Members’ only section in Association Website – Members will have the right to enter the members’ only section of the Association website which have special articles, training course and workshop presentation files, technology and business matching information, more extensive industry hyperlinks, and much more other useful information.
會員專覽網頁 - 本會官方網頁設會員專頁,提供特別文章、技術與商務合伙資料、更多及更廣泛的行業超連結、及其他實用資訊。 -
Con sultation Services – Provide comprehensive consultancy including information for different countries’ medical device regulations and standard at affordable costs.
顧問服務 - 以合理費用提供資訊及顧問服務,包括不同市場的法規及產品標準資料。 -
Fun ctional Panels – Participate in activities organized by various panels. The panels include Corporate Communications, External Relations, Membership Affairs, Product and Technology Development, Quality and Regulatory Affairs, and Training and Education.
功能專責小組 - 會員可參與協會所設立的功能專責小組。本會共有6 個功能專責小組,包括企業傳訊、對外關係、會員事務、產品及科技發展、品質及法規事務、培訓教育小組。 -
Industry Latest News – With regular industry news, and also HKMHDIA feature articles written by experts in medical and healthcare device industry on varied issues such as regulatory, legal, technologies and other issues.
行業快訊 – 可定期收到行業資訊及由業內專家撰寫有關法規、法律、技術及其他相關的專業文章。 -
HKMHDIA’s Alliance – Members may regularly receive enquiries and referrals from local and overseas customers enquiries for supplying relative products/services. Members will also be provided with information on most “interested” items that overseas customers are sourcing.
商務聯盟 – 會員可定期收到本地及海外客戶對有關醫療器材產品及服務的查詢。協會可為會員提供客戶最有興趣搜尋的產品及服務資訊。 -
Add itional Benefits for Corporate Members – Corporate members will have the right to put their detailed companies’ profiles in the Association website and will have the priority in the Association business partnership program. Staff from the corporate members will also enjoy special discounts in activities organized by the association.
協會專責小組 – 公司會員可把公司資料刊載於協會網頁,並在協會的商業伙伴計劃中有優先參與機會。公司會員的員工參加協會活動亦有折扣優惠。
We hereby apply for membership of Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association and hereon submit the particulars for your reference and approval.